Meze is great for generating social opportunities by encouraging diners to communicate, share and interact with each other. Traditionally, these meals are consumed by using their fingers or hand and are eaten with pieces of bread. The Arabians usually eat using their three or four fingers from their right hand only.
What is Meze?
Meze or mezze (/ˈmɛzeɪ/) is a selection of meals in the Middle East, Balkans, Greece and North Africa that serve as appetisers. The food is served in a small selections but in large portions. In some areas of the Middle East and Africa where it is available, particularly Muslim regions where alcohol is less prevalent, meze is often used as part of a multi-course meal, while in Greece, Turkey and the Balkans, the dish can be eaten like a snack for any social occasions.
History of Meze
Times were hard in ancient Persia, because a prosperous leader had to hire private food tasters if he wished to remain awake past the midnight snack. The Sultan brought the concept of tasters with him when Sultan Suleyman, Ottoman Magnificent armies, defeated the Persian Safavid in 1538.
Then, the çesnici (taste) slaves of Süleyman were given small plates of sample meals, recognised as the Persian term, meze, implying an enjoyable flavour. When the report were received by the government regarding the safety practice of the Sultan, the wealthy and the renowned decided to follow in the habits of the royals.
The practise of Süleyman’s food tasters were seen in Istanbul at big events shortly after. In high-class haunts, the meze craze became gedikli meyhaneler (all night bars), and the employed men’s clubs also embraced the concept so as not to be surpassed.
Health Benefits of Meze
It’s possible to have too much of a good thing. While Turkish cuisine is beautiful, just like any other meat, it’s not healthy to over-indulge. That’s why it’s better to consume your meals in moderation. It is a tradition in Turkish culture that the Mezze should be eaten before the main course. It is a sampling tray of different kinds of dishes with vibrant colours and flavours.
This is a good way to ensure that diners won’t overeat. Some of the excellent Meze products include Sigara Borek, B’stlla Djej, Calamari and Manti. You’ll discover that most of the dishes in Turkey are really good for your health. The meal is light, and its ingredients are healthy and delicious. A lot of the recipes use yoghurt and olive oil as dressing.
These two dressings or sauces contain a lot of health benefits. Yoghurt is rich in vitamins and proteins, while olive oil offers antioxidants to the body. The components are generally grilled, which implies that the meal is healthier.
You consume less fat, while meats and vegetables maintain their nutrients. If you haven’t had an opportunity to eat some tasty Mediterranean cuisine, travel down to Bodrum, take a glance at their menu, and enjoy the most exquisite cuisine that Turkey has to give.
Where to find Meze in Malaysia
The majority of Middle East restaurants in Malaysia serve Meze, such as Al Amar. Al Amar (Bukit Bintang) is a Middle Eastern restaurant where you can choose between hot meze or cold meze. The authentic food is truly a delight because of the secret spices they use. Also, you are most welcome to order mouth-watering meze at Turkish Café Istanbul (Petaling Jaya).
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