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Dish of the Day: Mushroom and Cheese Sandwich

Mushroom and cheese sandwich is an acquired taste. Most people either love or hate the taste and texture of mushrooms but to some, especially vegetarians or vegans, mushrooms are a good replacement for animal protein in a dish. Depending on the types of mushroom used, mushrooms can provide the chewy, fatty texture that other vegetables can’t. It also pairs well with cheese.

How to Make a Mean Mushroom and Cheese Sandwich

Amateurs would say that in order to make a filling mushroom and cheese sandwich you would need only 3 ingredients – the bread, the mushroom and the cheese itself. However if you want to make a mind-blowing sandwich, you are going to need more than just the three main ingredients. 

Let’s start with the star of the dish – the mushroom itself. For the best mushroom and cheese sandwich, it is recommended to opt for portobello mushroom as they are juicy and go very well with cheese. However, if you are on a budget, button mushrooms work well too despite not tasting as delicious as portobello mushrooms.

To prepare your mushroom, slice them thinly and cook at low heat. Add some salt and pepper for some seasoning. If you like some spice, feel free to add in more pepper or some chilli powder to the mix.

The next ingredients that you will be putting in your mushroom and cheese sandwich is up to you. Most people prefer adding caramelised onions and some spinach to complement their mushrooms while meat lovers would want to add some crispy bacon into the mix.

The next item on the list is the cheese. It’s hard to go wrong with cheese but here are some of the best types of cheese to use such as our old-time favourite mozzarella, cheddar, Gouda and if you want a bolder taste, use blue cheese. Note that Blue Cheese has a distinct flavour so you might have to cut through the sharpness by adding other types of cheese like Parmesan to the mix.

Once you have decided on your ingredients, you may choose the bread. You can opt to use white bread or you can use sourdough. To prepare the bread, spread both sides evenly with butter and put it on a low-heat pan to slowly grill.

Once your bread is ready, add a good amount of your previously cooked mushrooms, top it off with just enough caramelised onions and your choice of cheese. Once the layers are done, grill your sandwich again. To get the best results, we recommend using a sandwich-maker. This way, you can be sure that the cheese will melt all the way through and your sandwich will still hold itself together.

Nutritional Value in a Mushroom and Cheese Sandwich

The mushroom itself contains a lot of nutrients such as potassium, copper, Vitamin B and Vitamin D. Onions will provide you with antioxidants, are rich with cancer-fighting compounds, and it helps to boost your digestive health. Cheese is a good source of calcium.

Where to get Mushroom and Cheese Sandwich around KL

Craving for some cheesy goodness but don’t have time to make one, just get the mushroom and cheese sandwich delivered to you. You can get the Mushroom Melt Toastie from Bite Right that uses coconut cheese or for something a little more exciting, get the Garlicky Mushroom Toast from Huckleberry. Whichever Mushroom and Cheese Sandwich combo you end up choosing, you are sure to be satisfied and won’t feel so guilty knowing that it is loaded with nutrients.

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