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National Espresso Day

It’s a day of celebration for caffeine-lovers out there! Every 23rd of November, people from all around the world appreciate every drop of espresso. 

This versatile drink is in every caffeinated beverage such as black coffee, latte and cappuccinos. In fact, coffee connoisseurs enjoy drinking espresso shots by itself too. Espresso tastes best both iced and hot. Depending on the drinker’s preference, the espresso can be served with or without milk and even with ice cream (affogato).

Espresso is the beverage for choice for those wanting a quick boost of energy and concentration for the day. Once you get hooked on it, you’ll definitely come back for more.

History of Espresso

Espresso is of Italian origin, and the name comes from the Italian word meaning pressed-out coffee. This is because espresso is made by forcing pressurised boiling water through finely ground coffee beans.

What sets espresso apart from other coffee drinks the richness and the caffeine content. It also the basis of other coffee like cappuccino, latte, mocha and macchiato.

It is believed that espresso was created in the 1880s. The coffee machine was invented by Angelo Mariondo, which sped up the process of brewing coffee using coffee beans.

This device was invented to save time during the brewing process and to prepare coffee drinks almost instantly. Instead of brewing for one serving only, this machine can brew up to multiple drinks at once.

Later in the early 1900s, people developed a strong liking to espresso for its bold taste and express preparation. Back in the day, espresso bars were the place where people would socialise and meet up.

Espresso became more popular with the invention of espresso-based drinks like cappuccino, latte, macchiato and several other caffeinated beverages.

Types of Espresso

Espresso is varied according to its contents. Listed are types of coffee popular among all walks of life:

A sweet drink to cool you down during the day. Latte is made with a single shot of espresso and topped with steamed milk and foam. This perfect and sweet latte can be ordered from Yo’s Latte.

A cup of cappuccino to kickstart your day. The drink is made with a shot of espresso and steamed milk. Cappuccino has a stronger taste than latte as the steamed foam dissolves into the espresso. Cappuccino can be ordered from La Rica Coffee.

This drink is for those that like it slightly bitter. Macchiato is made of equal amounts of one shot of espresso shot and steamed milk. Macchiato has a stronger taste than latte and cappuccino for its less-milk content.

One of the sweetest espresso drinks, mocha is made of one shot of espresso, chocolate, steamed milk and topped with whipped cream. This sweet drink can be ordered from Meyscha Coffee.

A classic drink with no frills. This drink is only composed of a single shot of espresso with water. This is not for the faint-hearted as this will keep you awake and wired throughout the day. An americano can be ordered from McDonald’s.

How to celebrate National Espresso Day

Want to try making your own cup of mocha for this special day? Here’s the recipe below:



  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of the chocolate syrup in your mug.
  2. Add one shot of espresso into your mug.
  3. Add steamed milk into your mug.
  4. Stir the mixture gently to mix the ingredients.
  5. Add another tablespoon of chocolate syrup to sweeten the mocha.
  6. Stir for one last time.
  7. Finish off your mocha with whipped cream on top.

Now, your mocha is ready to serve. Celebrate National Espresso Day by sharing your mocha with people around you. Visit foodpanda to find out more about food holidays all around the world!

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