The Mixed Seafood Teppanyaki mainly consists of a mixture of seafood, such as prawns, squids, fishes, mussels and many more. The seafood will be seasoned with salt and black pepper to bring out the flavours of the dish Consuming seafood has some health benefits, such as reducing inflammatory conditions, improves hair, skin and also eyesight.
The meal is easy to make for those that do not have much cooking experience and is quick to prepare; all within 30 minutes. Get the best experience of Mixed Seafood Teppanyaki by pairing it with white rice and also a wide array of sauces to enhance the flavours even more.
Enjoy the delectable Mixed Seafood Teppanyaki by trying out the recipe below!
Ingredients (4 Servings):
- 1 tsp of Japanese soy sauce
- 1 tbsp of Mirin (Japanese sweet rice wine)
- 1 tbsp of vegetable oil
- 1 tsp of garlic, minced
- 1 medium carrot, peeled and thinly sliced
- 1 medium green pepper, thinly sliced
- 2 ½ tbsp of butter
- 1 medium onion, thinly sliced
- ½ tsp of liquid seasoning
- 12 large prawns
- 4 medium squids, cleaned and cut into rings without tentacles
- 5 cups of Japanese steamed rice
- Salt, to taste
- Black pepper, to taste
- Leeks
- Start by combining the mirin, liquid seasoning and soy sauce in a glass bowl and then set it aside.
- Proceed by adding some vegetable oil into a wok or frying pan, and then turn up the dial to medium heat. Add the butter and leave it until it melts before adding the onions to be sautéed, till it looks translucent. Carry on by adding some garlic into the mix. Lower the heat down to a medium level, then add some carrots and bell peppers. Sauté all of the ingredients, until it is tender.
- Increase the heat level to high and then proceed to add the shrimps and squids. Carry on by adding the combination of mirin, liquid seasoning and soy sauce that was made previously into the mix. Allow the mixture to cook and watch the shrimps and squids make sure they turn to pink and white, respectively. Proceed to add salt and black pepper seasonings, to taste.
- Turn off the heat and then add some butter and stir well. Add some leeks as garnish if you prefer it. The dish is best consumed when hot and paired with white rice.