The best kind of topping. This naturally found ingredient is a great topping for many dishes. Be it pizza, pastry, pasta or bread, truffled mushroom can be enjoyed in many different ways.
Truffle is called the diamond of the kitchen as it is a rare ingredient which makes it expensive. Truffle can only be found if there is the presence of proper lighting, warmth, and water in the soil.
As good as it tastes, this dish is also easy to make. Tasty, simple and unique, here is the recipe of for making truffled mushrooms on bread.
- Truffle oil
- Chopped onions
- Minced garlic
- Toasted whole-grain bread
- Mushrooms
- Preheat a skillet.
- Heat oil over medium-he heat.
- Add chopped onion until brownish.
- Add minced garlic and mushrooms into the skillet.
- Cook the mushrooms for 3-4 minutes.
- Put the cooked mushroom on top of your toasted whole-grain bread.
- Add any condiments that you desire.
Now, your truffled mushroom is ready to be eaten with your crunchy toasted whole-grain bread. In these chilly days, eating and sharing food together with your family is a great comfort. Visit foodpanda to learn more about various recipes from all around the world.