Rye bread is a kind of bread that is made with several portions of flour from rye grain. During the Middle Ages, rye bread was considered a staple food for many places such as in Europe (north-central, western and eastern). The rye bread contains a large quantity of fibre and also a small amount of fat. It is also has a lower glycemic index than white bread which means there will be a slower increase in blood sugar.
- 200g Rye Flour
- 200 g Strong Wholemeal Flour
- ½ tsp of Fine Salt
- 1 tsp of Caraway Seeds
- 1 Tbsp of Honey
- 7g Fast-Action Dried Yeast (Sachet)
Preparation Methods:
- Pour the flour, salt and yeast into a mixing bowl. Proceed to the honey with 250 mL of warm water in a jug and then pour the liquid mixture into the mixing bowl. This is to allow the ingredients to form a dough.
- If required, add more warm water as rye flour tends to be quite dry and it will absorb a lot of water. Ensure that the consistency of the dough is soft. Place the dough on a flat surface and knead the dough for 10 minutes until it is smooth.
- Then, put the dough in a bowl that has been well-oiled. Place a cling film over the bowl and put the bowl in a warm place to be left to rise. The process should take about 1 to 2 hours and that the size is doubled. Then, dust a loaf tin (900g) with flour.
- Place the dough back on a flat surface and knead briefly to remove any air bubbles that may be present in the dough. Pour some caraway seeds to be incorporated into the dough.
- Carry on with shaping the dough into a smooth oval loaf and place it inside the loaf tin. Cover the opening of the tin with cling film (oiled) and place it somewhere that is warm for another 1 to 1.5 hours. Ensure that the size has doubled as well.
- Proceed to heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Remove the cling film from the bowl and then dust the surface of the loaf with some rye flour. Cut through a few incisions at a certain angle and then bake for another 30 minutes. The appearance should be dark brown and there is a hollow sound when tapped. Transfer the bread to a wire cooling rack to be left to cool. Leave it for 20 minutes before serving it.