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Recipe: Mee Rebus

Mee Rebus is (and will always be) a Malaysian delicacy. Delicious egg noodles wrapped in thick gravy and enjoyed with some hard-boiled eggs, chillies and some bean sprouts on the side. Yum! You can typically find this dish in mamak stalls where we, Malaysians, will be happily slurping this dish with a cold drink on the side.

Mee Rebus is undeniably an amazing dish. The hint of sweetness from the sweet potatoes mixed with a spice paste made from lemongrass, galangal, candlenuts, dried chillies and curry powder brings out the rich flavour, and you’re guaranteed to fall in love with every bite.

So, in case you’re craving for some Mee Rebus, here’s the recipe below:

Ingredients (6 servings):


  1. Start by boiling the sweet potato with chicken stock in a large saucepan. Boil for about 15 minutes or until the sweet potato softens. Then, transfer the mixture to a food processor and blend until smooth.
  2. Blend the shallots and garlic in a food processor. Set the mix aside.
  3. To make the spice paste, blend the lemongrass, candlenut, dried chillies, galangal and dried shrimp until it reaches a paste. Add water to ease the blending process, if needed. Set aside.
  4. Proceed by heating cooking oil on the pan over medium heat.
  5. Sauté the blended garlic and shallots until fragrant. Then, add in the spice paste, curry powder and fermented soybean paste and stir for about 2 minutes, or until fragrant.
  6. Then, add in the sweet potato mixture and soy sauce, and bring it to a simmer. Turn the heat to low and continuously stir for another 10 minutes until it simmers and thickens. Season with salt and sugar, according to taste.
  7. Divide the egg noodles among large bowls and pour the gravy over. Divide and arrange bean sprouts, hard-boiled eggs and tofu puffs on top of each bowl and garnish with green onions and green chillies. Enjoy!

Mee Rebus Recipe

There you have it, homemade mee rebus for you and your loved ones! If you want to know more about the dish, you can read it on our website here

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